MP3: Vice Verses (@ViceVersesEOW) » So Twisted

MP3: Vice Verses (@ViceVersesEOW) » So Twisted

Preparing for his forthcoming project release, Vice Verses releases the first single off of ‘T.I.M.E.L.E.S.S.‘ titled “So Twisted“.

…everybody knows this whole business is twisted.”

Bronx native MC Vice Verses addresses the state of Hip Hop from his viewpoint. From “payola” to shady record deals, to “dumbing down” content, etc., Vice shares the thoughts of many who aren’t as brave to admit what has happened in the industry. The energetic production is matched with a catchy hook that boldly proclaims how shady the industry can be.

Set to pave to his own path in Hip Hop, Vice is not only contributing his interpretation of Hip Hop through his music but by providing a platform for new artists through his popular “End Of The Weak” showcase. “EOW“, as most know it by, is the longest running weekly showcase in NYC. Vice has also taken the showcase overseas & it is now running in over 10 countries.

It’s clear that Vice Verses doesn’t have it “so twisted” on his end, as he strives to represent Hip Hop through different avenues, his own way.

So Twisted” is a single off of Vice Verses’ forthcoming project titled ‘T.I.M.E.L.E.S.S.‘. Big on acronyms, Vice shares what it means: T.rendsetting I.deas M.anifest E.veryone’s L.ife E.nding S.truggle (for) S.uccess.

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