“In August 2015, the Hip-Hop world lost one of its most beloved underground icons. In honor of the ‘brokest rapper you know’, Jakk Wonders reworks Anderson Silva that featured Sean Price and Havoc (of Mobb Deep).
It is a sad thought knowing that there will never be another Sean P mixtape, EP, album, or even a guest feature verse. There will never be a Jakk Wonders-produced Sean Price single as I will never have the opportunity to work with P and the only way I can show my appreciation, respect, & to honor the late Brooklyn icon is to try my hand at reworking a single that featured him.
Sean’s legacy will live forever and he definitely made an impact in the Hip-Hop community. While this remix is made available for free, non-profit download. I highly encourage everyone to please donate to the Price family here.” –Jakk Wonders
[audiomack src=”http://www.audiomack.com/song/jakk-wonders/anderson-silva-jakk-wonders-remix”]