MP3: @Pragmaddix (@Artemis_Diesel @QwykCardino) x @_Whokairs_ – Scuba Tank

MP3: @Pragmaddix (@Artemis_Diesel @QwykCardino) x @_Whokairs_ - Scuba Tank

On “Scuba Tank“, Pragmaddix teams up with Asheville producer WhoKairs? for a new Boom Bap-inspired feel good anthem, encouraging listeners to stay in the moment & enjoy themselves. Pragmaddix continues to switch up their sound & try new things, bringing an upbeat, ambitious style to “Scuba Tank“.

Qwyk & Diesel are symbiotic in delivery, often switching mid-bar & effortlessly finishing each other’s sentences. With the combination of Whokairs? old school, yet original sound & Prag’s buoyant, diverse flow, we get something new and fun to jump off ‘À La Carte‘, their soon-to-be released collaborative EP.

À La Carte‘ will feature 6 original WhoKairs? x Pragmaddix tracks & its release date is TBD!!!