“With this song, I want to give listeners a high energy, lyrical track with a message. I want people to get crunk as fuck with me at shows and then go home and think about the words I was saying. ‘Channel Flippin’ was written to encourage people to get off their phones, stop watching the news, and in a large part, don’t become consumed by the media that infiltrates our daily lives. Often times, its easy to stay distracted and not think for ourselves, given we’re almost always “plugged in.” Its something I struggle with as well. Typically when I feel overwhelmed or anxious, looking at my phone is an easy way for me to check out and stay distracted from whats right in front of me. For me, music is the best way to escape from this fragmented world and really work on me. I want listeners to find inner strength and growth by taking a break from the constant flood of info/entertainment that is the media. Oh yeah…and get crunk as fuck.” –John Alex Harper
This track was produced by Drae Da Skimask and is available for stream & download below…