MP3: Em-Lo – Drifter (@EmLoMusic @TheRealESmitty @Sound_Alive_Rec)

Em Lo Drifter [track Artwork]

Brooklyn emcee Em-Lo delivers a powerful message in “Drifter” as he brings attention to addiction, depression & suicide prevention. With the help of a cinematic canvas produced by E. Smitty, the Marlboro Houses native dives into his own experiences w/hope to shed light & inspiration to others who might be going through it. You can give “Drifter” a listen below…

“I wrote this song with a few things in mind…Married to someone afflicted with bipolar disorder, and suffering from hypertension due to post traumatic stress disorder has led to an anxiety I am currently trying to shake. I see myself as one of the fortunate ones who’s strong enough to get past it, which leaves me wondering about those who can’t, and it saddens me. We’ve all come across folks we know or love who’ve succumbed to some mental infirmity. My quest with this album is to shed light on the folks holding it in for fear of ostracism. Maybe if people see this as an illness rather than just an abnormality, we can prevent more suicides and senseless crimes by just addressing these issues and communicating them to the proper channels, instead of ignoring them or suppressing them with big pharmas solution of medication and imprisonment. I hope those out there hear my words and understand that they are not the only ones feeling the way they feel, and if I can touch one person, maybe they can touch another.” –Em-Lo