MP3: C.Shreve The Professor – Shreve Who? / Pylon

C.shreve The Professor Shreve Who? [mp3 Artwork]

C.Shreve the Professor is in album release mode. Today he brings you “Shreve Who / Pylon”, a quick A/B side single that he says is the final tease before he releases his full “GROWN” project next month.

About the new release, Shreve says:

“These two singles are a lotta fun. Both to perform and to listen to. For a minute, I was struggling with some things and music was the only place I could put it. The new album will still have some of that, but it also has a lot of fun moments. Shreve Who? is me trying to find a way to make you remember who I am within 2 and a half minutes. Pylon is just a fun flex and a remind to keep your eyes on the prize.”

Apple Music:

