‘Missing’ Drunk Man Beyhan Mutlu Awarded Donkey Of The Day For Joining Search Party To Find Himself


In a recent and hilarious incident of intoxication, a man in Turkey decided to join a search party for someone who had been reported missing. He, however, didn’t realize that he was the “missing” person in question.

Luckily, everyone involved was safe—though that’s far from guaranteed in these types of ordeals.

The 50-year-old Beyhan Mutlu had been drinking with friends on Tuesday, reported Vice, when he wandered into a nearby forest. When he didn’t come back, his friends grew concerned and reported him missing to authorities.

As news of the “missing” man spread, volunteers from different neighborhoods joined with authorities to aid in the rescue mission. Among them was Mutlu, who appeared to not realize that the subject of the search was himself.

The search party reportedly continued for hours, with rescuers calling out Mutlu’s name. However, it seems that it took Mutlu a while to register that pivotal piece of information. Eventually, at one point in the search, he suddenly announced his presence.

According to Turkish news channel NTV, per Vice, the search party suddenly heard a voice speak up and ask: “Who are we looking for?” It was Mutlu. “I am here,” he said.

The Daily Sabah noted that authorities then escorted Mutlu to his home in the country’s Bursa province.

It remains unknown how exactly the bizarre situation came to fruition, and it’s unclear why it took hours for Mutlu (and the rest of the search party) to notice the mix-up.

[via Newsweek]