Meet @NiaMyaReese, The 8-Year Old Entrepreneur That Wrote Best-Selling Book

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Most 8-years old are in the third grade, and many of them are still struggling to read and write. But 8-year old Nia Mya Reese from Birmingham, Alabama has already written a best-selling book!

It all started in the first grade

Nia was just in the first grade when, as a class assignment, she wrote about something she was good at — taking care of her annoying little brother, Ronald Michael.

Within two years, Nia turned this assignment into a bestseller entitled, “How To Deal With and Care For Your Annoying Little Brother.” It’s now one of the most popular kids books on Amazon, and in addition to doing book signings all over the country, she has also been featured on CBS Evening News, NBC’s Harry talk show, and in Stylist magazine.

Shout out to mom

Nia’s mother encouraged her to continue working on her story, even after the assignment was completed. Her story was so amazing because, even though she finds her little brother to be annoying, she teaches the importance of patience, love and kindness.

Nia says she actually likes being a big sister, and she hopes her book will teach other kids how they too can be a good older sibling.

Even the mayor showed up

When people, both young and old, hear about her accomplishments, they are always impressed with this young entrepreneur and author.

“Great book for kids,” said one reviewer on Amazon. “It really helped my 7-year old learn how to treat her 2-year old brother, and they love reading the book because the girl looks just like my daughter.”

Even, William A. Bell, the mayor of Birmingham, was so impressed that he took time to attend one of Nia’s book signings.

For more details about Nia Mya Reese, follow her on Twitter and/or cop her book on Amazon