Meek Mill To Serve 2 To 4 Years In Jail For Probation Violation

Meek Mill with his lawyer, Brian McMonagle, in Philly on November 2, 2017 [Press Photo]

Meek Mill was sentenced to two to four years in jail on Thursday (11.02.2017) after violating his probation, according to sources.

A Philadelphia judge handed down the verdict stemming from a case where he was arrested on drugs & weapons charges back in 2008. He also was arrested for fighting in a St. Louis airport back in March 2015 and for recklessly driving his motorcycle through New York City back in August 2017.

Although the St. Louis incident and the reckless driving charges have since been dropped, the judge still considered them violations. The rapper arrived in court on Thursday alongside his lawyer rocking a tailored suit (as seen above).

Mill was previously kicked loose after he violated his probation back in 2015, when he was accused of altering his drug test and traveling without the court’s permission while on probation. But in the end, he was sentenced to house arrest.

In the midst of said sentence being handed down, Mill’s lawyer plans to appeal the sentence, calling the judge’s decision “excessive.”