Kamala Harris Speaks On 2020 Presidential Run, Legalizing Marijuana, Criminal Justice Reform, & More w/The Breakfast Club

Kamala Harris Speaks On 2020 Presidential Run, Legalizing Marijuana, Criminal Justice Reform, & More w/The Breakfast Club

Senator Kamala Harris stopped by The Breakfast Club after recently announcing that she will be running in 2020 for President. She is the second politician who has announced their bid for presidency to stop by the show as Cory Booker stopped by last week.

Starting off Kamala explains why she decided to run for office in 2020 saying: “Over the course of the past two years we have seen so much that is wrong, we’ve seen American values under attack, we have seen the American dream under attack, we have seen babies taken from their parents from the border in the name of border security when it’s really human rights abuse”. She continues on to speak about then she was attacked immediately as soon as her announcement, addressing this she said, “Look I’m not going to ever apologize for saying that when a child is molested or a woman is raped, or one human being kills another human being that there should be serious consequences, I’m never going to apologize for that”. Although she has come under fire for being a prosecutor Kamala adds on that she is a firm believer that the American criminal justice system is flawed and needs to be reformed.

Running for President means that Senator Harris will be going up against Donald Trump and will have to play his “nasty game”. Agreeing that he is going to go nasty, Harris said that she intends for her campaign to not only be about winning the election, but also lifting and empowering Americans along the way. Trump also had given her props for the rollout of her campaign saying he that she had the best rollouts out of all the candidates so far.

One rumor that has gone around about the senator online is that she is against legalizing Marijuana, responding to this she said, “That’s not true, I joke about it but half my family is from Jamaica, I believe we need to legalize Marijuana, and we need to research the impact of weed on a developing brain”. However she does wan’t to address some things about weed including how does it affect the development of the brain, as well as how does it impair people from driving. Also admitting that she has smoked Weed in the past a long time ago in college, “it was a joint”. Finally adding “I think it brings a lot of people joy, and we need more of that in the world.

Check out Kamala Harris’ full Interview on The Breakfast Club below…

[via The Breakfast Club]