Janet Hubert Tears Stacey Dash A New One On HuffPost Live

Janet Hubert Tears Stacey Dash A New One On HuffPost Live

Janet Hubert continues to ride the wave of recent media attention she’s been getting by calling Faux News’ favorite tap-dancing coon, Stacey Dash, a media ho. The 1st Aunt Viv sat down with HuffPost Live to speak on Dash’s comments about BET, Black History Month, & The Oscars.

Hubert said:

“Stacey is a bit of a media ho… she puts the struggle way back. It’s just rude & wrong. If we didn’t have BET & we didn’t have these kind of awards…we would have nothing to honor these types of performances. Dash away honey.”

When Hubert was asked about how she felt about her #OscarsBoycott comments towards Will & Jada being thrown in with Dash’s:

“I’m so over it, get another bullet honey, you can group me any way you want but Stacey & I are in two different categories.”

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