Georgia man Brandon McMahon has been awarded Donkey Of The Day.
Last Thursday (11.3.2022), an 18-year-old Cherokee County, Georgia man named Brandon McMahon walked into a smoke shop called Smoke Stars Vape ready to pull an armed robbery.
At some point, McMahon thought it was a good idea to laugh his ass off, pull his mask off, and then walk out without taking shit.
Of course, this worked against him as he was arrested and charged with criminal attempt to commit armed robbery.
While McMahon claimed said attempted robbery was a prank for a YouTube video, Cherokee County Sheriff deputies didn’t buy it as they felt like it “…was an actual armed robbery that he changed his mind about during the act and tried to downplay it and leave the scene.”
The reasoning behind that conclusion was that “There’s no other person there with him, no one was videotaping him, he does not have a YouTube channel as he states,” according to Capt. Jay Baker.
Capt. Baker adds “Something like that happens, not only could the clerk shoot you, a bystander might try to protect the clerk, it’s very dangerous.”
Adam Cantrell, who works at the smoke shop but wasn’t there at the time, said “Pretty scary, come out with a gun drawn you’re sitting here just trying to sell vapes, pretty scary.”
Cantrell added this about his co-worker who was there at the time “They seem like they’re holding up OK, but I really hope they’re doing good.”
…and that’s what’s up!!!
Charlamagne Tha God, who awarded Brandon McMahon a well-deserved Donkey Of The Day for his stupidity, had his say on this matter and you can hear what that was below…