Florida Mother Kristin Wiley Awarded Donkey Of The Day For Drunk Driving


A drunk driving suspect who told Florida cops she had not consumed alcohol was contradicted by her own nine-year-old son, who declared from the car’s back seat, “Mom, you can’t lie to the police. You did drink.”

Kristin Wiley, a 49-year-old teacher, narrowly avoided striking a police car as she drove on a Vero Beach street around 2 AM yesterday. The cop car, with its lights flashing, had pulled over to handle an unrelated incident.

When deputies approached Wiley’s 2018 Ford, they spotted her son, who was not wearing a seatbelt, “in the backseat curled up and crying.”

A cop noted that the wobbly Wiley’s eyes were “watery and red in color” and there was a “strong odor of an alcoholic beverage emitting off her person and her breath.”

When asked if she had been drinking, Wiley said “No.”

That is when, cops say, Wiley’s son replied to his mother’s answer by saying, “Mom, you can’t lie to the police. You did drink.” The boy subsequently told cops that his mother had been drinking at a party and that he had asked her to slow down while they were driving back to their Vero Beach residence. The child said he “was very scared while Kristen was operating the vehicle,” a cop reported.

Wiley, who reportedly admitted to consuming “two vodka mixed drinks at a party,” declined to perform field sobriety exercises. Wiley later agreed to a breath test, which recorded her alcohol content at nearly three times the legal limit.

In addition to a misdemeanor DUI count, Wiley was charged with child abuse, a felony, for allegedly driving drunk with her son in the car. She was also charged with resisting police for allegedly snatching her hands away when a cop sought to handcuff her.

Wiley is being held in the Indian River County jail in lieu of $2500 bond.

[via The Smoking Gun]