Feds Claim That BMB Records Is An Alleged Front For Drug-Running

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It’s no coincidence that anytime Black people start doing good, shit like this always seems to happen.

According to BET:

A hip-hop label in Detroit has recently found itself at the center of a high-profile investigation by the FBI.

According to the Detroit News, the FBI has been looking into BMB Records for quite some time now and has since created a 50-page indictment alleging that the label’s owner, Bryan “Peanut” Brown, has been using the imprint as a major drug front.

BMB Records — a label artists such as Ray J, Charli Baltimore and Bre-Z have all called home — has been the target of this investigation since 2013, with the feds alleging that Brown has generated millions of dollars dealing heroin, allegedly funneling the funds through the record label.

Back in December 2016, Brown found himself being arrested on a number of weapons charges following a raid. He was reportedly raided after police noted that his vast collection of luxury vehicles did not add up to what he reported on his income taxes for 2011, the year prior to his starting the company.

Brown’s problems didn’t stop there, with the label boss showing up on police radars again following an accusation being made by Charli Baltimore that he violently assaulted her.

“I was brutally beaten by Brown when I walked in on him with another woman,” Charli Baltimore stated in a court affidavit obtained by the Detroit News. “He choked me, blacked (sic) my eye, bruised my arm while I was still in a cast.”

At the time of this report, Brown is still free on bond and is even said to be filming a new reality TV series. More on this story as it develops.

…and there you have it, for now!!!