Fan Tries To Put Hands On Big Sean Only To Be Stomped Out & Arrested

Fan Tries To Put Hands On Big Sean Only To Be Stomped Out & Arrested

In a time-frame where people seeking their 15 minutes of internet fame is common, the latest in this phenomenon concerns a fan trying to put his hands on Big Sean at a recent meet & greet that he held at a f.y.e. store in Queens. Fortunately, the fan in question did get his few minutes of online fame but not in the way he wanted it unfortunately.

This fan was unsuccessful in his objective to put hands on Big Sean as he would be stomped out & arrested by New York’s finest. As a result of this altercation, Big Sean canceled the rest of the meet & greet but not without being & feeling welcomed by the fans that didn’t try to lay hands on him.

You can give DJ Akademiks take on the situation below…