The duo currently terrorizing the streets and the internet are Chox-Mak & DJ YRS Jerzy. They have caught the eye of some major people in the last couple of months. Their consistency of dropping projects is what has people very impressed with them. Being independent without any funds is hard enough but they are grinding through the struggle to succeed. They are getting noticed on some of the top hip hop websites out there & also picking up heavy radio play in different states. They are sticking out from everyone that is on the internet which is a very hard thing to do. Recently Chox-Mak & DJ YRS Jerzy have done interviews not directly stating which exact labels are interested but there are definitely people watching. They have been dropping several projects & working with different artists & producers to help build their fan bases overseas.
There aren’t many people making moves & connecting with the people like Chox-Mak & DJ YRS Jerzy are. They have displayed their talents all across the board with their diversity & all of their hard work is soon to pay off. Now they are doing shows in different states building their names heavily & the word is starting to spread. They have many things going on right now but they always keep their fans in tuned via social media. One thing that people find interesting about these two are that DJ YRS Jerzy is also a young business man that also manages Chox-Mak’s career behind the scenes & is a DJ/producer that can even take the stage when they perform. They have a great formula & chemistry that will take them far in this music industry. All they have to do is keep working hard & keep releasing material that the people love & they will be on the major scale in no time.