Editorial: Nipsey Hussle Wrongly Arrested By LAPD???

Nipsey Hussle [photo Artwork]

The Hip-Hop Police are seemingly going hard against rappers and have claimed their latest in Nipsey Hussle.

However, the West Coast G has denied any wrongdoing and a rep says he was treated unjust.

Nipsey was arrested on August 29 in Los Angeles after the raid of a clothing store called Slauson Avenue Clothing.

A probation complaint search was called in and the police allegedly went to the location to answer the complaint. Nipsey was booked on obstructing a peace officer and was unable to perform at the Jay-Z multi-city festival Made In America.

Some have speculated that the arrest was a malicious act against the rapper, but there has been no evidence to support such a notion.

The rapper had something to say via Twitter, claiming “LAPD raiding our flagship clothing store…searching it for hours to find nothing.”

News source courtesy of AllHipHop.com!!!