Editorial: @CyranoSinatra » #FreedomAintFree EP [Artwork & Tracklisting]

Editorial: @CyranoSinatra » #FreedomAintFree EP [Artwork & Tracklisting] 2

I’m dropping an EP entitled ‘The Freedom Aint Free EP‘ on 6.19.2013, the historic date known as Juneteenth. Juneteenth is also known as Emancipation Day, is recognized in 42 of 50 states, and is the date back in 1865 when Union forces moved into Texas to reaffirm that the newly “emancipated” African slaves were free men.

Freedom aint free” is part of a lyric from heralded emcee Mos Def, where he stated on the protest song, “Katrina Clap“, “stop being cheap, nigga. freedom ain’t free…

I took the history of Juneteenth, along with my idea of the “costs” of freedom, and put together an EP to describe my outlook on hip-hop’s current conditions, and how I feel our “freedom” within hip-hop & society-at-large is still being taken for granted.

2 covers have been made for ‘The Freedom Aint Free EP‘, to symbolize the duality of the statement I’m trying to make with this release. At the same time as Juneteenth is a date to earmark the American freedom of African men, we are currently seeing freedom under attack domestically and abroad. The cost that each of us owes is to always stand up for our rights, as well as the rights of others in the world community.

Many thank yous & shoutouts to you guys for supporting me with blog posts, tweets, FB posts, SoundCloud plays, etc. After much delay, I will finally be making my music available to the four corners of the globe through Digital Distribution, and to my local fans who actually still purchase CDs. But ‘The Freedom Aint Free EP‘ will ALSO be available on Bandcamp immediately upon release.

Freedom Aint Free [EP Artwork 2]

Tracklisting For ‘The Freedom Aint Free EP‘ Is As Follows:
1) G.H.E.T.T.O.U.T. (Produced by Centric)
2) Move (Produced by Cyrano Sinatra)
3) Da Basement (Produced by Kid Hum)
4) Gold Heart aka GoldHearted (Produced by DJ LEAGUES)
5) All About H.E.R. (Produced by Cynergy Soundz)
6) Time 2 Kill (Produced by XMP)
7) Chow Main featuring Tuscon (Produced by Manifest Beats)
8) We Came 2 Win (Produced by J.Slikk)
9) C.Y.I.D.I.T.C. (Produced by Crews)

There will also be 2 bonus tracks available on the official release (available through iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, etc)

The bulk of the tracks on ‘The Freedom Aint Free EP‘ will be a part of my upcoming double-album, ‘JavaNation‘, which will be released this fall.

NC-emcee & 1100 Hunters member Tuscon (featured on “Chow Main“) & I have started a collaborative project under the name WolfBlitzerz, more info coming on that as well. –Cyrano Sinatra