Editorial: #CrefloDollar Falls Back From $65M Private Jet Campaign

Editorial: #CrefloDollar Takes An L After Asking For $65M For Private Jet

After drawing fire for a campaign to raise $65 million dollars to purchase a private airplane, televangelist Creflo Dollar announced Monday he was dropping the idea.

At least until a more affordable alternative shows up.

According to a story from The Christian Post, on Friday, a video was posted on one of his ministries websites looking for “200,000 people committed to sow $300 or more [to] help achieve our goal to purchase the G650 airplane.”

The plane, a luxury Gulfstream G650, is called the “fastest plane ever built in civilian aviation.”

“If all of our existing partners were to sow $300 each, from all over the world, we’d be able to acquire this jet in a very, very short period of time,” Dollar associate Rick Hayes says in the video.

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The prosperity minister — who is said to have a personal worth of around $27 million — immediately came under attack for trying to raise funds for such an extravagant purchase. By Monday, Dollar’s public relations firm had issued a statement saying the ministry had taken down the video and put the plan, dubbed “Project G650,” on hold.

“There is no campaign right now,” Juda Engelmayer of 5W Public Relations told The Christian Post on Monday.

According to Engelmayer, the ministry would still consider purchasing a plane “If one comes along that is properly priced and is sufficient and workable perhaps….”

News sources courtesy of AL.com & The Christian Post!!!