Drew Kid, a versatile young piano player from Silver Spring, Maryland, presents his first album, ‘Rebirth‘, recorded with a creative musical community dubbed the Oooh Child Ensemble. ‘Rebirth‘ reflects Drew’s spiritual journey & consists of original compositions written over the past five years.
The Oooh Child Ensemble created the environment to record these tunes, inspired by the lineage of the jazz tradition, the timelessness of funk/soul music, & the modern innovation in hip-hop culture. ‘Rebirth‘ is both elegy & psalm. It is a celebration of life: of those with us & of those who have passed on…Release Date: 11.1.2015!!!
Behind The Track:
“A loooong story short: July 2010 I had written an untitled jazz tune with a guaguanco rhythm as the foundation. A month later, someone very dear to me, my aunt, the second mother to my brother and me, passed away from heart disease at the young age of 49. I later recalled Gil Scott-Heron speaking about guaguanco being the ‘rhythm of rebirth and regeneration’ on a live DC recording of “The Bottle” and after making the connection, I knew immediately what to call my song.”
You can also get to know Drew Kid in the following video below…