Creflo Dollar Asks For $234K Donation For Shooting Victim’s Family

Creflo Dollar WCCI

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution | The Rev. Creflo Dollar on Sunday sought to pay all the bills for the family of the church employee shot and killed at his World Changers Church International on Wednesday.

“In my book, he’s a hero,” Dollar said of Greg McDowell, who was gunned down while leading morning prayer service at the church. “If those bullets hadn’t been trained on him, there would’ve been more people that would’ve died,” Dollar told the congregation.

Police have charged former church employee Floyd Palmer in McDowel’s death. Investigators say Palmer, 52, calmly walked into morning prayer service Wednesday and fired six shots at McDowell, killing the 39-year-old husband and father.

Dollar challenged church members to give as they left the College Park church, to make online donations and to give to a special fund the church has set up at a bank.

“The goal is $234,000”. Dollar said, telling the congregation he wanted to raise that amount by the end of the day Sunday. “We want to completely eradicate all debts in their lives … house, cars, everything. Let’s now show the world the power of a megachurch”.

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