Charlamagne Tha God Awards Donkey Of The Day To Toxic Singles On Valentine’s Day


Charlamagne Tha God awards Donkey Of The Day to all toxic single people on Valentine’s Day.

It’s that time again!!!

Today is the day that Charlamagne Tha God does his annual Valentine’s Day edition of his Donkey Of The Day segment.

Over the years, the Valentine’s Day edition of Donkey Of The Day would go out to all the single ladies in the world.

But this time around, Charlamagne switches gears and decides to use today to focus on all the toxic single people in the world.

You can give what Charlamagne has to say on this situation and some more plus drop feedback in the comment box below…

Today’s Donkey Of The Day has also inspired another discussion from The Breakfast Club, titled “You’re Single Because You’re The Problem”, and you can give what was discussed plus drop feedback in the comment box below…