Bruh-Man From The 5th Flo’ (@BruhMan_5Flo) Reignites His Entrepreneurial Spirits w/@RetroFresh_ Apparel

Bruh-Man From The 5th Flo' (@BruhMan_5Flo) Reignites His Entrepreneurial Spirits w/@RetroFresh_ Apparel

Reginald Ballard, better known as Bruh-Man From The 5th Flo‘, the guy who frequented Martin’s apartment through the window has reignited his entrepreneurial spirits. The “Martin” actor, famous for his ”Whitty Huton Wuld Toor” T-Shirt, is back at it again but this time, it’s the Queen “Bey” Beyonce Knowles or should we say, “Beeonsay Knowz”.

After wrapping up a successful tour in 2016, Bruh Man has decided to keep the energy from Bey’sWuld Toor” going. Fans are sure to appreciate this hilarious T-shirt, that is also available in a sweater as well.

The brand also has other designs that gives fans a retro look from the classic TV show “Martin” with catchy phrases & themes that will remind fans of the hit 90’s sitcom…This shirt and other items can be purchased at!!!

As an added bonus, you can give Reginald Ballard’s scenes from “Martin” a watch below…