This singer might have fared better if she’d let it go.
Brazilian songstress Viviane de Queiroz Pereira had to be hospitalized after her reluctance to fart in front of her significant other resulted in a dangerous gas buildup. She detailed her gastrointestinal fiasco in an Instagram Story for her 15.7 million followers, which has since disappeared from her feed.
“I woke up at 5:30 a.m. with severe stomach pains and ended up in the hospital,” wrote Pereira — known by her stage name Pocah — in the post. It included photos of the 27-year-old superstar in the medical facility, as seen in screenshots on social media.
Per the post, Pereira’s bizarre affliction started after she refused to let ‘er rip because she wasn’t on “farting terms” with her boyfriend. The gaseous gal also reportedly heeded advice from a TikTok thread that told her to ignore the “stomach pains,” which eventually resulted in her having to report to the doctor with an “accumulation of trapped farts.”
Trapped gas occurs when methane does not move through one’s intestines normally, causing sufferers “sharp pain or discomfort in their abdomen.” However, this condition is generally caused by certain foods and underlying medical conditions, like irritable bowel syndrome, rather than abstaining from cutting the cheese.
Thankfully, doctors were able to relieve Pereira of her natural gas reserves.
“But that’s it, guys. I’m medicated and I’m fine,” insisted the singer-songwriter, who is using her gassy saga to warn others against keeping things bottled up inside.
“Girls, don’t be ashamed to fart in front of your guy, because what’s really embarrassing is not letting your guy sleep because you’re in discomfort, going to hospital with your guy, and the diagnosis being ‘trapped farts,’” said Pereira. “From now on, I’m letting them rip, guys.”
She’s not full of hot air. In a September video PSA, popular TikTok doc Karan Rajan warned people to never pass on passing gas, as otherwise, the farts could come out of your mouth.
[via New York Post]