Anybody who comes across the letters KKK automatically thinks first of the white supremacy and decades of deep seeded racism. For Kilo Kish, Smash Simmons, and Mels Mcloud, KKK has adopted an entirely different meaning that can change weekly. “At least from what it kind of stands for,” proclaims Smash Simmons. “It’s Kool Kat’s Klub on the first tip but there’s many more acronyms to it. As we drop more and more projects we’ll freak the acronyms.” “Like the group is really meant to be fun,” Kish chimes in. “And not giving a fuck more so than anything else.”
Still in college and looking for a place to live in New York, a friend of Kish’s hooked her up with her present manager, J Scott ( and current band mate Smash Simmons. With no initial plans in music Kish feels the band and her music came about naturally. “Originally I just wanted to copy cat and do mixtapes but eventually it kinda led to me making my own music.”
With a unique sound and a melodic voice Kish continues to carve out a lane for herself while trying to embrace and understand the lanes people are tying to create for her. “I don’t really think I ever got to that place where I was like this is my sound,” she explains. “I feel like people just kind of defined it for me, but I just do what I know how to do.”
Hailing from Atlanta and having close ties to long time friend J Scott, Smash was able to move up to New York and follow his ambitions. “I’ve known J Scott since like 4th, 5th grade since like 10 years old,” remembers Simmons. “When he moved up here he said ‘C’mon move up here.’ My timing would always be off. [Eventually] Things started aligning for me, money was right for me, I made the move and now we grinding.”
With Smash, Kilo and Mel the trio is young but the talent is limitless. With features on Childish Gambino’s “Royalty Project” as well as upcoming Brooklyn MCs Flatbush Zombies “D.R.U.G.S.” project, Kilo has quietly and unexpectedly set herself apart from anything we’ve previously heard leaving the door wide open for her and KKK’s next move. With a resume that reads visual artist, designer, and recording artist it seems only right that we expect to see Kish on the scene in more ways then one for years to come.
Calisha Prince
Isaac Aguirre
Calisha Prince
E. Smitty for Sound Alive Productions