@BlowHipHopTV (@BreadyFilth @ILuvLola) Interview: @FatTrel

Blow Hip Hop TV interviews Fat Trel

“The rap game is def not the streets, writing lyrics is not selling dope. There are a lot of real niggas in the rap game but some of your biggest gangsters on tracks be the biggest bitches in real life.”

Hailing from North East Washington D.C., trap rapper and artist, Fat Trel has seen more than his fair share of real street life within his youthful 22 years and feels confident that he always knows a real person on first encounter.

Initially getting into music through a childhood friend, Trel never imagined someone like him would be able to get on and have their music accepted and listened to beyond his peers. Not until the success of the D.C. native, Wale did Trel realize that new goals could be attained. It was then when he made the decision to shoot beyond the streets and go after a dream.

Fat Trel began getting his buzz up in the DMV area and his music eventually reached the ears of The Board of Administration, one of D.C.’s established management groups who were instrumental in Wale’s career. However the relationship wasn’t built to last and Trel was dropped from the label without any warning. Trel never allowed the situation to slow his momentum and soon after found a home with the Smokers Club and Johnny Shipes’ Cinematic Music Group. With a long list of artists with whom Trel could both relate and build with, it was a no-brainer for Shipes to include Trel on the Smoker’s Club 2012 Summer Tour. It was there where Trel understood the impact of his music on fans across the country. “Being apart of the smokers club was a blessing. Never under estimate the power of your music is what the tour taught me most because it was touching people I had no idea about,” Fat Trel states recounting this mild epiphany.

After the tour, Trel came home to a new opportunity. Master P and Alley Boy had connected and were forming a new group called the Louie V. Mob. Master P had decided Trel was the missing piece to the equation and promptly flew him to Los Angeles to finalize the deal.

“The working process of Louie V. Mob in the studio is wonderful. I’m 22 years old so when I get in the studio I have to block out that there’s a legend in here. When you think about what he did to the whole world and you get in the studio with him its like, where do I start? Certain beats will come on and he’ll be like what you got, me being a young boy I always sit back and wait for his word on however he wants to go about the next record.”

With the support of industry veterans and the nation wide alignment of his Slutty Boyz and Slutty Girlz nation wide, Fat Trel is set to put on for North East DC and all the trappers that are still living that life.