Audio: Authenticated Footage Of #MikeBrown Murder Goes Public [#iDemandTheArrest]

Michael Brown [Photo Artwork]

The video texting service Glide has verified the recording played by CNN this week of the purported shots in the Ferguson, Mo., killing of 18-year-old Michael Brown. In an e-mail to the Erik Wemple Blog, Glide head of communications Chaim Haas reports:

“Because Glide is the only messaging application using streaming video technology, each message is simultaneously recorded and transmitted, so the exact time can be verified to the second. In this case, the video in question was created at 12:02:14 PM CDT on Saturday, August 9th.”

Glide has also posted a note on its Web site. In a brief chat with the Erik Wemple Blog, Haas said, “The question we are being asked is is this authentic and the answer is absolutely.” Notification to the FBI, said Haas, “is taking place.”

Mike Brown's Murderer...Darren Wilson [Photo Artwork]

The news is big news for CNN, which subjected itself to some doubts about the integrity of the recording. It surfaced the tape on Monday night without having authenticated it. Haas confirms that, even though the service has verified the creation of the tape, that doesn’t mean that the sounds in the background are conclusively those of the Brown shooting.

News source courtesy of Bossip & The Washington Post!!!