Album: ‘The God X The King’ By Teddy Grahams (@IAmTeddyGrahams) & @KonyBrooks

Album: 'The God X The King' By Teddy Grahams (@IAmTeddyGrahams) & @KonyBrooks 1

Teddy Grahams & Kony Brooks’ collabo album, ‘The God x The King’, is officially here!!! Also, “The God x The King Experience” is going down this Wednesday January 21st at Gasolina Lounge in the Bronx to celebrate the release of this historic project.

Teddy Grahams & Kony Brooks: 'The God x The King Experience' Event (Cover) [Poster Artwork]

You can stream ‘The God X The King‘ on SoundCloud:

You can stream & download ‘The God X The King‘ on DatPiff:

[xyz-ihs snippet=”TeddyGrahamsAndKonyBrooksTheGodXTheKingDatPiffPlayer”]