Album: Blahzé Misfits (@MyBrainIsAlive @Georgeqlobstas): Colonel Custard’s Lonely Dick Pic Band

Album: Blahzé Misfits (@MyBrainIsAlive @Georgeqlobstas): Colonel Custard's Lonely Dick Pic Band

The internet is a very fickle environment when it comes to online content and how it gets perceived by the general populous. In some cases, different groups and demographics of people can make something really popular (Bobby Shmurda’s “Hot Nigga”) and in other cases people can make something that’s shunned due to the ignorance of our society. In this case, I’d like to shine some light on a project that was sent through submissions that’s gaining some fame based only it’s controversial album title and cover: Blahzé Misfits’ Colonel Custard’s Lonely Dick Pic Band.

Now, it’s a given that the name is weird but if it encapsulates the motive and message of the artists than it must be said. Unfortunately, due to the name and friction w/ a few industry people and A&R’s, the project is getting shunned due to the fact that the title has the word “dick” in it. All phallic jokes and puns aside, the question of the day is why is something like this scrutinized when our society is chalk full of examples of vulgarity being used to stimulate the arts. Take for example a majority of rap songs found on many hip hop blogs which used the word “pussy” in the title. Worst of all is that these songs were played on the radio several times a day on different stations, becoming common vernacular within generation Y’s culture. What impact does the word “dick” have on a body of art such as Colonel Custard’s Lonely Dick Pic Band?

As with all art, nothing should take away from it’s meaning, no matter how “offensive”. So, to answer the aforementioned question, “dick” shouldn’t have that much of an impact to take away from the art and in this case, the body of work as a whole. Blahzé Misfits put together an amazing project, complete with smooth production and lyrics. Don’t let the title impact the realness.

Check out the album below. And save yourselves with the glorious music that come from this duo.

Colonel Custard's Lonely Dick Pic Band by Blahzé Misfits