Abigail ‘Victoria’s Secret Karen’ Elphick Awarded Donkey Of The Day

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The Millburn police are being accused of failing to protect a Black woman who was attacked by a ‘Karen’ at a Victoria’s Secret outlet in Short Hills Mall. Abigail Elphick was dubbed as the ‘Victoria’s Secret Karen’ and ‘Get her away from me Karen’ after she was seen attacking Ijeoma Ukenta, a Black woman.

Ukenta later posted footage of the incident on TikTok. The Millburn Police Department in Essex County, New Jersey, was heavily slammed on social media after the videos went viral on Monday, July 12.

In the first part of the video, Elphick was seen trying to hit the woman behind the camera but as soon as she realized that her movements were being recorded, she started crying and screaming for security while sitting on the floor. She was also heard saying “Don’t record me.” In a second video, she was seen sitting on the floor and shouting, “Get the fuck away.” Elphick is later seen shouting “Get away from me” and then running behind the Black woman.

Social media users shamed Millburn police officers who allegedly responded to the scene, accusing them of failing to rectify the situation. “This happened at the Short Hills Mall in Millburn NJ. Please feel free to contact Millburn PD to ask them why they didn’t escort her out and charge this woman with assault. I’ll be doing that too,” one Twitter user wrote. “Those videos are truly disturbing and Millburn police department should be embarrassed at the horrible job they did rectifying the situation for Ms. Ukenta,” another added. “@RepSherrill Isn’t Millburn in your district? Why did the police department ignore the safety and dismiss the assault of a black woman!” a third complained, tagging NJ congresswoman Mikie Sherrill in their post.

“There were many egregious violations of your rights and overall well-being by both Millburn Police Department and Short Hills Mall security. Abigail Elphick should have been arrested {and still needs to be arrested} and at the very least charged with assault & attempted larceny,” one user asserted. “The cry. The ‘get her away from me’. The fallout. The loud extreme cry for help. It’s amazing how much power a white woman feels she has. The most amazing part of this video is how long it’s lasted with no security or police. Being white is really different,” another wrote.

The White woman was outed by outraged Twitterati as a teacher’s aide in her 20s from Cedar Grove, New Jersey. As soon as Elphick’s videos made their way to social media, some started requesting the school, Cedar Grove High School, where Elphick works to terminate her from her position.

The woman behind the camera, Ijeoma Ukenta, subsequently started a GoFundMe fundraiser, titled, “Help me defend myself against Karen.” The description of the fundraiser reads, “I am a Black Muslimah Nigerian AM and I was treated like it was 1920 in Short Hills Mall. I was assaulted and harassed by a white woman and nothing was done by security nor the police. I’m looking to hire an excellent attorney who can help me bring light to this wrong. All videos and updates on the situation are on my YouTube channel: Mama Africa Muslimah. I was kicked off a TikTok for posting what happened to me and they let someone else post and get millions and millions of views however they deleted 2 of my accounts. One that I have for my Garden which was my original account and another 1 that I created after they deleted my main account. I have been wronged by Abigail Elphick (Karen in my videos,) Short Hills Mall security, Millburn Police Department, and most of all humanity. Please help me!” The page had raised nearly $31,000 of the $20,000 goal at the time of writing.

[via MEAWW]