“Kidnap – Official Movie Trailer #3 [HD]”
Synopsis: A single mother named Karla Dyson (Halle Berry) lives a perfect life with her young son Frankie (Sage Correa). One day, upon entering a carnival, Karla leaves her son to take an important call. She comes back to the spot where she left her son just to realize he isn’t there. She runs out of the carnival and sees a blue car with Frankie in it. To save Frankie from abduction, Karla goes out on an unending and thrilling car chase behind Frankie’s abductors.
Writer/s: Knate Gwaltney
Director: Luis Prieto
Release Date: August 4, 2017 [USA]
Copyright: © 2016 Rumble Entertainment/Well Go USA Entertainment/606 Films/Di Bonaventura Pictures/Gold Star Films/Lotus Entertainment/Aviron Pictures