1st Trailer For Showtime Documentary ‘A Murder In The Park’

1st Trailer For Showtime Documentary 'A Murder In The Park'

A Murder In The Park – Official Movie Trailer #1 [HD]

Synopsis: In 1999, just hours before his scheduled execution, convicted killer Anthony Porter’s life was saved by a journalism class from Northwestern University, led by renowned Innocence Project pioneer, Professor David Protess. The class seemingly found the real killer, Alstory Simon. Porter was released, becoming the poster boy of the anti-death penalty movement. Because of his case, Illinois eventually abolished the death penalty. The filmmakers present strong evidence that Northwestern’s investigation led to the release of the real killer, and imprisoned an innocent man. In October 2013, due in part to this film’s investigation, the Cook County State’s Attorney’s office reopened this case.


Starring: Dexter Hammett, Joseph Alex, Jason Patrick
Director/s: Christopher S. Rech, Brandon Kimber

Release Date: February 17, 2016
Copyright: © 2016 Transition Studios/Whole Truth Films/Sundance Selects/Showtime Networks