“Netflix presents Blood & Water: Season 2 – Official Web Series Trailer #1 [HD]”
Synopsis: “Blood & Water” revolves around Puleng (Ama Qamata), a high school girl whose sister Phumelele was kidnapped as part of a human trafficking network shortly after birth. One day, Puleng was invited to a party of Fikile Bhele (Khosi Ngema), a popular athlete studying at Parkhurst College, a prestigious school at Cape Town. After Wade (Dillon Windvogel), a new acquaintance points out their resemblance, Puleng starts to suspect that Fikile is Phumelele. She has lived in the shadow of her sister all her life so she decides to get to the bottom of things. She transfers to the elite school to investigate. While solving the puzzle, Puleng discovers that the mystery of her missing sister is not the only secret that her friends and family keep.
Starring: Amamkele Qamata, Khosi Ngema, Gail Mabalane, Thabang Molaba, Dillon Windvogel, Arno Greeff, Ryle de Morny, Greteli Fincham, Getmore Sithole, Odwa Gwanya, Natasha Thahane, Mekaila Mathys, Sandi Schultz, Cindy Mahlangu, Xolile Tshabalala, Sello Maake Ka-Ncube, Patrick Mofokeng, Shamilla Miller, Duane Wiliams, Nasty C, Cedwyn Joel, Elzet Nel, Anil Sabharwal, Andre Lombaard, Laura Bosman, Chanelle van Wyk, Sherman Pharo, Baby Cele, Esther von Waltsleben, Faniswa Yisa, Marlisa Doubell
Written By: Nosipho Dumisa-Ngoasheng, Daryne Joshua, Travis Taute
Produced By: Bradley Joshua, Benjamin Overmeyer, Nosipho Dumisa-Ngoasheng, Daryne Joshua, Travis Taute
Directed By: Nosipho Dumisa-Ngoasheng, Daryne Joshua, Travis Taute
Release Date: September 24, 2021
Copyright: © 2020 Gambit Films/Netflix