“American Siege – Official Movie Trailer #1 [HD]”
Synopsis: Washed-up Sheriff Ben Watts (Bruce Willis) guards the secrets of the wealthy residents of a small Georgia town. When three outlaws take a prominent town doctor hostage in search of a missing woman, Sheriff Watts is called in to handle the situation before the FBI arrives. In a race against time, mayor Charles Routledge (Timothy V. Murphy) pressures Sheriff Watts to launch an assault on the hostage-takers and to eliminate all witnesses. When the Sheriff realizes he may be a pawn in a larger scheme, he must carve a bloody warpath to expose the truth behind the town’s dark secrets.
Starring: Bruce Willis, Timothy V. Murphy, Rob Gough, Anna Hindman, Johann Urb, Cullen G. Chambers, Trevor Gretzky
Written By: Edward John Drake, Corey Large
Produced By: Corey Large, Sean O’Reilly, Steven Eads, Matthew Helderman
Directed By: Edward John Drake
Release Date: January 7, 2022
Copyright: © 2022 308 Enterprises/The Exchange/BondIt Media Capital/Arcana Studio/Shout! Studios/Vertical Entertainment